The Troika Editions Gift Voucher is the perfect way to share your love of art with your friends and family. Just click the button at the bottom of the page to order a gift voucher for the value of £39.95.
We will process your request and post the Gift Voucher to an address of your choice. The recipient can then redeem the amount against any of our prints available at the gallery, subject to availability of stock.
All they have to do is select a limited edition print and add it to their shopping basket, proceed to checkout and enter the unique code into the discount box, press “Update Basket” and the full amount of your gift will be deducted from the cost of their purchase.
Our gift vouchers can only be used once and cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion or discount or gift voucher provided by Troika Editions.
To complete the transaction the recipient must open or use an existing Google account and enter their credit or debit card details even if the total amount due after using the gift voucher is zero. Please be assured that no money will leave their account if the final balance of their order is zero.
If the recipient spends more than the value of the gift voucher they will need to make up the remaining balance using their credit or debit card in Google Checkout when completing their order.
There is no time restriction on the use of the gift voucher but it can only be used to purchase limited edition prints from Troika Editions.
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To buy a gift voucher click on the button below: